Lights in the Sky - Charlottesville, VA

Case: 723277-1485918000

Report Details:
    • Lat : 38.0293059
    • Long : -78.4766781
Observation Details:
Actual Report as Filed by Witness:

Blue and red orb in random circle pattern alternating clockwise and counterclockwise circles and stops

I don’t believe these are search lights. I’m in Virginia, United States, and I noticed these blue, red alternating blinking orbs circling in a seemingly random varying collection of clockwise and counter clockwise circles. I stayed out for about an hour to see if I could figure out a pattern but no luck. There are no places near me that would have an “opening” of that magnitude, and the local airports would be in a different area of the sky considering their location in relation to me. They’re very odd and placed all over the sky. They appear to be different distances away as some fade out and reappear, smaller circles than others. I’ve also just noticed an all around….. Different night sky, this year. I stargaze every night the clouds allow.