Balls of Light Over Pueblo, CO
Balls of light or fire seen just south of Pueblo, CO.I was in my car when I saw several orange balls of light aligned horizontally. They moved together in sync and accelerated and decelerated at the same t
Balls of light or fire seen just south of Pueblo, CO.I was in my car when I saw several orange balls of light aligned horizontally. They moved together in sync and accelerated and decelerated at the same t
5 amberlights flickering in an L shaped formation. Later on 4 stationary objects in the sky, all the same. Me and 4 others were driving home when I looked up and saw 5 amber lights all stationary, however the lights w
Was returning home from taking red box movies back and I seen thus weird light in sky and it was looking normal until I noticed the way the lights we're beaming in a half circle in front or behind whatever the object
Orange lights in sky Clermont county OhioEastern sky in the area of Clermont and Brown county line of s/w Ohio. Approximately 30 degrees of elevation. There were 5 lights together on the left and 2 to 3 on
In the south sky. A bright light had appeared after a while another light came out it started to fade after about half an hour I had my mother on the phone because she had seen it before so I shined my flashlight towa
Four orange yellow lights side by side in a slight 15 degree angle slanting to the right.Sighting 6:40 pm 1/31/17 Mechanicsburg, PA I was driving east on US RT 11 locally called the Carlisle Pike at about
Flat oval disk-like object twisting and turning in place in the sky, then stabilized and flew away out of sight. I arrived at work and was walking across the parking lot toward my office building when I noticed what I
Reddish orange light that got brighter and dimmed out, twice, the second time getting brighter and dimming out even quicker.I was driving from Kirkland to Belvidere, facing east when I saw an orange/red li
5 yellowish glowing cylinders in Dimond formation, one leading.Noticed 5 cylindrical objects flying low and fast. Maybe 200 ft. up. 4 in a Dimond pattern with one more leading. Traveling north. Only visibl
My husband and I were on the porch at our home in Georgetown, S.C.. He saw bright lights dashing across the sky. I went outside and captured the lights dashing around in the western sky. I captured the activity on my
Leaving our house in the mountains of Scottsdale with a view of the city, my wife said oh my god what is that? There were three huge diamond shaped lights in the sky that were fire orange. They had two smaller white l
Saw a light in the sky towards the south and thought it could be a plane or helicopter. It began to make a zig zag pattern in the sky and turned on a very high powered cone shaped light at this point I still suspected
Three lights floating in the sky.I was driving home, going North on the I-805. In the sky ahead I saw 3 lights, 2 bright ones and 1 not as bright, maybe further or just smaller than the other 2. I first no
2:40am, I was smoking a cigarette in front of my home, when I looked up and saw this octagon shaped craft hovering over the trees and stopped for almost 2 mins just hovering I called my son since he wasn't able to sle
Around 3:30am, I witnessed a low hanging light blue sphere shaped object; streak across the sky, heading east from my location. It admitted (sic. emitted) no sound as it disappeared out of my range view.
Very Large "parentheses" shaped craft In Salisbur,y MD.Was driving on route 13 in Salisbury, MD, going over an artificial hill, when I saw a series of lights in the shape of a parentheses. It was not movin
Driving west on route 11 in the Farmington/New Durham, NH, area and saw a red ball above me. It seemed somewhat stationary as I drove under it rather quickly and was only able to glance up at it a few times. It was no
At just past 21:00 on Feb 14, I stepped outside to view the evening sky. Orion is usually up at this time. As I looked up I noticed two lights moving from East to West South West. The lights were In a forward and aft
A very bright fireball coming low in the sky from the east and then accelerating straight up and then leveled out in a straight path at a moderate speed as if it had a guidance system, lasted about 5 minutes, had a fi
UFO, with helicopters.I observed a brilliant light west of my location. It was not Venus. It was not an airplane, or in usual flight path towards DFW. (I have worked at an airline at DFW for 24 years, I kn
While walking to the coffee shop, I observed three objects hovering in the west sky at about two o'clock in the area of the evening crescent moon. As I attempted to take a picture with my cell phone, one obje
Driving east side of the beach.saw four fire ball orbes the size of a pinky finger nail. The event started when the first ball floated towards me two miles away three K high. Each one came across an the count of 10 an
I was driving last night on a dark portion of the the highway, some trees on either side of the highway but the sky above me was uncovered. The sky was mostly clear, you could see the stars clearly. In front of me I t
Saw a greenish red fireball like object crashing towards the freeway.
There was a visible steady white light coming out of a Westerly Direction at about the 10 o'clock position traversing across the sky in a Southeastern Direction with an arcing movement until disappearing beyond the tr
Strange Orange ball of light slowing moving and then just disappearing into the sky.I got up around 2:15am on 02/06/2017 to use the bathroom. We live out in the country surround by woods so we don't have b
Witnessed a bright flash of light that looked like a plane burning or meteor descending at 30 den north to south. Looked to be landing or crashing to the ground.
crazy lights in the skyI was on SR 50 heading west in between Chillicothe and Hillsboro at 7:50 pm today (2/15/2017) and we spotted a U.F.O.(s) We were driving along when I saw 3 lights in a row spaced eve
Object sighted coming in low from foothill area, morphed into 3 rotating ovals and went east and up.Object came in low from foothill area to the north. It looked like a trash bag that had caught up in the
Bright light against sun, magnificent brightness and maneuverability through clouds, dim to dark and bright, two objects total.On hwy 13 westbound heading towards 77, I saw a bright light in the sky far aw
I saw a group of fluorescent green lights in the form of a chevron. This was observed a few minutes after 23:30 MST approximately 4 blocks south of CSU Fort Collins campus. The event lasted for 5 to 10 seconds. It was
I witnessed a bright light with a halo of lights going around and around that blinked in sequence. I asked someone in the area to look up and tell me what did they see. They told me it was an unusual light.
Bright light in the sky with green and red lights next to it. Rotating clockwise in one spot. like it hovering in one location. The green and red light next to it. Wasn't there 10 min and now it there.
Me and my wife were sitting on the porch when I noticed a slow moving aircraft. This didn't look or move like a normal aircraft. It had wings that that were somewhat at an acute angle with red non flashing lights on e
I got up to use the bathroom and saw a ring of maybe 8 lights to the northwest, about the size of a bright, large star. At first I thought it was a plane but it stayed still and no flashing red lights. Then I thought
The lights were on top of Brooklyn. The lights would move up and down then forma line, then a half moon shape and remained in the same vicinity the whole time. The lights got more intense then dimmed down. They would
2 objects that look like stars moving erratically and stopping abruptly.Friday night, Sunday night and Monday morning saw a moving object way above Orion’s Belt. It moved erratically and came to abrupt sto
I was stopped at the intersection of 26th and Sycamore in Sioux Falls, SD, at 19:32. A Huge bright light (white) was falling from the sky in an east to West direction. I thought at first it was a falling star, but it
Around 8:20 PM, January 28th, 2017, in Chandler, Arizona, I walked to the mailbox and notice 3 large orange lights hovering above. They were group in a triangular shape, not moving for around for ~1 or 2 minutes.
This was a triangular craft. 3 or 4 lights on the back which were bright and 4 or 5 going towards the tip at different intensities. I have thought I have seen things before... but nothing as definitive as this!!!! Hon
I'm an amateur astronomer and have seen satellites and meteors. There was no tail or glow or sonic boom or explosion. My first thought was it was a missile but again no tail. Then I thought maybe it was a fireball but
Silent, bright object first spotted in Northern sky over Greenville heading SW rapidly. Object appeared to be much higher than air traffic or drone space. Its light was constant and bright. It moved against the grain
While driving 347 towards Maricopa, saw 6 lights gradually appear then disappear - 4 in a tight line formation. At approximately 11:00pm, I was driving along 347 in the Gila River Reservation, when two orange lights,
My boyfriend called me outside to see something, telling me to hurry. As a smoker, he is outside rather frequently. I dropped the late night dishes I was working on and hurried to the back door assuming he had spotted
We where driving down from Mount Callahan 20 mi N of Austin, NV, at 8pm. First we saw a bright light in the southern sky. Instantly, it changed to a triangle with 2 lights in each corner. It was about 2000 yards away.
6 perfectly vertically aligned lights hovering after coming from different directions. Night sky. Looked like 6 planes converging as though they were going to crash. Then they lined up vertically with perfect spacing
Stopped at traffic light about 6PM Facing South Saw a light fall quickly down from the sky east to west.
One craft with two bright lights. Seemed to hover in one area until it finally shot straight up a disappeared from sight. Thought it could of been a drone or helicopter by the way it was behaving until it went stra
Object with two lights moving erratically after green fireball dissipated.This report is not about the green fireball I saw but what I saw afterward.2/6/17 I was walking my dog and something ma
My husband and I noticed a beam on front window. He looked out to see if there was a car outside. There was no vehicle. He noticed lights to the east in the shelter belt. He noticed 8 lights on top and 10 little light
Oak Lawn, Illinois, Bright greenish/white floating ball of light came from the sky like a projectile leaving behind a red trail.
Triangle flying object in vancouver washingtonPerfect dark triangle object slowly traveling east in a straight line. It appeared to be about 600' high and guessing 20' long. There was a dim red/orange ligh
Group of v shaped lights doing complex movements.I was out on my deck stargazing started praying to my guardian angel/spirit guides for help in my life. and right then I noticed a v shaped formation of 15-
I smoke on my front porch frequently. I was out tonight and saw a bright orange ball I thought it was a planet but it was lower. I looked at my phone looked up it's still there looked away for maybe 5 seconds then loo
My husband, who does not believe in UFO's at all, was out feeding the horses around 10:00 p.m. He had finished and was standing facing north when something caught his eye. At first he thought it was a large insect but
There is snow everywhere and as I was pulling out my drive way the sky lit up a blue/green color for 4 sec then it happened again about a minute later for the same time
Orange balls of light in the skyMy wife and I were on the back porch and to the east a little higher than the horizon, (above rooftops of homes) a light just showed up, very bright orange in color, would s
Large orange/reddish light high in the sky, moves horizontal and fades away.Between 21:30-21:45 tonight I witnessed one large orange light moving in a straight horizontal line. It was in the Northeast sky
Rapidly and oddly moving amber light moving all over the sky. I have been a huge skeptic all my life but after seeing what I have seen I know something is going on. I saw this happening in the sky about 2 weeks ago an
Sideways classic saucer shape, silvery white, possibly 4 white lights falling straight down. The object appeared to be quite far away, possibly over the mountain between Morongo and Desert Hot Springs.
I was outside with my daughter. She was playing in her sand box and I was laying on the ground beside her looking up like I always do at the sky. It's 72 clear bluebird skies in SC in Feb so we were enjoying the weath
I was watching the brite light in the southwestern sky(the thing they say is Venus but is visible from about 5:20 pm in the daytime) while observing the southwestern light, I witnessed a small light seem to come out o
My friend and I saw the same orbs of lights from opposite ends of a entire city.At about 7:15-7:20 a friend and I saw what appeared to be an orange/golden orb. When that orb disappeared, three more appeare
This past Saturday night around 10:30PM, my wife and I were on our porch and noticed some odd lights on the horizon. We saw a total of about 10 over about a 20 minute time span. They rose up from the horizon to the NE
Bright light, sparkler-like comet tail. Seemed to burn out then burned bright again before burning out completely
Bright V-shaped object over New London, near Court HouseSitting at traffic light tonight at intersection of Huntington and State Street in New London, CT. This is the State of CT Superior Court House.
4-6 glowing Red lights/orbs, multiple flickering white lights, and a single line of red lights.Multi day event.Monday February 13, 2017 about 8:00PM,we were walking out from our barn to get our
While taking out my garbage at 10:10pm, I noticed a truck pull into a parking lot next to me a gentleman exit his vehicle and shouted and pointed for me to look up and see a light he was observing. it was snowing ligh
When I first saw the fireball several small fireballs dropped and burned out as they fell. This led me to believe it may be an aircraft that was burning, it dropped one last small fireball that burned-out, then it con
Fast moving ball of light over Mississippi River in Minneapolis.I was driving home from work very early in the morning on 2/6/17 about 2:30 am. I was driving eastbound across the Mississippi River bridge o
It was very much like the color of a green traffic light, only much, much larger and it was very high in the sky. It was not an even shade of bright green. It was brighter in the center and grew darker as the light ap
Green comet? Over west Michigan.Bright green flash to the north west, which then streaked across the sky like a comet to the north. Color was very unusual compared to any other shooting stars I have witnes
My sister and I initially thought we were witnessing a bird migration, but the elevation was too high to be birds. We then witnessed what looked like 10 circular craft, that were light in color, possible light silver
Returned home from dropping my wife to work. Got out of the car and heard what sounded like a commercial airliner at normal altitude coming my direction. (from W to E) the clouds are split up a bit and I saw a normal
White light moving West to East at a high rate of speed.The object was seen traveling from west to east at a high rate of speed either in the upper atmosphere or in space. It was a brilliant white and then
Heading south on 12 from Springfield Corners towards Madison. Bright white light towards Madison. Slightly higher and left from nearby radio antenna. Similar to a star but 10x brighter and slightly larger. Hovered sti
I was at work at scrap yard at Jackson Tennessee. We had two garbage trucks from Waste Management that we were taking the garbage compartment off of the back of the truck to cut up and process for scrap. We had finish
Blue and red orb in random circle pattern alternating clockwise and counterclockwise circles and stops, I don’t believe these are search lights. I’m in Virginia, United States, and I noticed these blue, red alternatin
It was sort of a small V-shape, high above the truck stop. It could've been farther away because of my viewpoint from the highway. Flashed really bright for a few seconds, then disappeared. I kept trying to find it ag
Small bright object falling from the early evening sky after seemingly breaking apart in the lower atmosphere.Walking outside at 17:00 to dinner with family, looked up at the rising moon and noticed a brig
I was informed of this object floating in the general direction of Tampa from a family member. Looking upward, I could see a bright white-ish ovular object, periodically two other small circular dark orange lights eme
Just above the mountain range SSW of Gallatin Gateway, I noticed what appeared to be a spherical light moving from peak to peak very quickly in a very irregular flight pattern very resemblant to that of a housefly's.
Bright, multi coloured, shape changing object, very large, low in the sky, hovering then moving off quickly.This was completely by accident. I was getting up to get some honey for my sore throat. I noticed
Flash of green light in the sky right before the power when out.The power went out for a second, then came back on. Then I seen a the sky out side turn a bright green and the power when out again. I wasn't
Oval shape with yellow, red, blue, and green pulsating lights observed for 18 minutes in a dark sky.Two people observed a stationary oval object in the southwestern sky above the Owyhee mountains.
I was walking a country road, some clouds, I saw what I think maybe a comet, but it was like "falling star" and then it seemed to mush around the edges like a cloud and then it swarled like a corkscrew and disappeared
I was on the second floor of my home, sitting on a couch that looks out a east facing window. I noticed a bright light sitting directly above the tree line of my front yard. I went to the window to take a closer look
Eyewitness account of Red Flashing UFOs in Miramar, FL. Observed from Silver Lakes Community, Miramar, Fl, Parking Lot of School. 20:30 2/4/17 6 red blinking objects, approximately the size of a hot air ba
Picked my 12 yrs old son up from friends, driving down dark road and both of us were startled by a chevron shaped yellowish light streaking in a 90 degree vertically down, which gave us the impression it went into the
Fireball with huge flames headed from vicinity of Coeur d'Alene Lake toward Pappy Boyington Airport while losing altitude. Flames diminished, but object still glowed orange.. like campfire embers in the sky. Changed c
Formation of steady, orange lights, east of Sahuarita, AZ traveling SSW. Visible for appx. 6 minutes.While trying to photograph Venus tonight, my Wife, Son, and I witnessed a strange constellation of orang
Come out of our home to run an errand approx 19:00 hrs looked in sky to south seen and orange colored orb high and a distance of I guess 10 miles also displayed a flash of green on one side. I thought it was an aircra
Their were two crafts, each were beaming a white light down in a sweeping motion it seem to have a white cloud around each of them. I stayed looking for a min. Ran back in to turn off lights ran back out and they were
A co-worker and I were sitting in my car at lunch. Off to the southeastern part of sky, we notice bright white dots or discs. Converging together. Separating, then disappearing. It look like a white webbing that const
Green neon light in the shape of an orb crossed state Road 54, moved from North to south, crossed the road and went into the woods on the south side of 54.It was floating and glowing. Small trail of light
lights in a row in the sky the tons appered out of no where all blikingMy wife, seven-year-old and I was on SR 50 heading west in between Chillicothe and Hillsboro at 7:50 pm today (2/15/2017), and we spot
I deliver mail for my job from salt lake city to denver and back again. Same route weekly, but this week was different. The sky was partly cloudy, and the temperature was about 36 degrees. I was headed ea
Looking out over the ocean about a third of the way above the ocean 4 bright white lights side by side One light goes out leaving 3 lights Then the 3 go out.
I witnessed a strange triangular object I could not see the absolute shape of this object due to the sky being dark, but it had three lights of the same color in a triangle formation, with a pulsing red light in the m
Large bright light stationary in the sky, watched for a good 8-10 min then had to run to the store real quick before 9pm. When I got back home 20 min later there was no sign of it in the sky. The light was 4-5 times b
I was driving and noticed 3 bright red lights in the sky floating in a vertical line. Next I pulled over and got out of my car and watched the bottom 2 move one went right and one went left forming a triangle shape th
2 lights appeared right in front of airplane I was watching in the sky. They were close together, then moved apart and further from airplane as it passed by them, then 5 more lights appeared. One larger with a smaller
Circular craft with blue illumination bright white lightsAt 8:00 pm tonight 2/7/2017 while driving from GIG HARBOR, WA, to Bremerton wa. the sky illuminated a blue light, so bright it caused me to slow fro
It was a little after 7:30pm, I was warming up my car & noticed something in the sky that I first thought was maybe a super bright star-so I took a few pics & started recording. Then when the "star" started mo
My daughter and I were traveling I-85 S, going to school, when I saw a blueish-greenish #shootingstar or #ufo blaze through the Atlanta sky. It looked like a firecracker light similar to a sparkler. It only lasted a f
Dark green object shoots straight up from mountain.Distance 3 kilometers. Object hovered close to mountain top for a few minutes moving very slowly it started a circle motion then shot strait up very fast.
Red/orange object - circle to chevron shape with lights hovering overhead with no soundReddish-orange circular object seen hovering in sky over the San Tan Mountains. Object moved closer in the sky, and ap
This is the second day I have seen these 3 lights in the sky over Chicago....there are no stars to be seen anywhere in the sky and there are only a few aircraft in the sky I can see and verified with flightradar24 app
Noticed an extraordinarily bright star NE of my location; after several seconds of watching it, the star appeared to be blinking. Figured it was a distant airplane. Some minutes later, I looked again, the object appea
A large pulsing green oval traveled across the sky in an arcing trajectory in a horizontal direction. The object was lower than the typical altitude of a plane, but higher than the tree line. The object moved at relat
Stationary or moving in straight or right angles. Body red and green lights. Wings flashing lights. Very large tail end. Above North Las Vegas, our home...spreading east towards Boulder Highway