Lights in the Sky - Kirkland, IL

Case: 723904-1486618200

Report Details:
    • Lat : 42.0925258
    • Long : -88.8512063
Observation Details:
  • Event Duration : 10 seconds
  • Number of Objects Observed : 1
  • Shape of Object : Lights
Actual Report as Filed by Witness:

Reddish orange light that got brighter and dimmed out, twice, the second time getting brighter and dimming out even quicker.

I was driving from Kirkland to Belvidere, facing east when I saw an orange/red light glowing brighter and brighter for about 3 seconds, then dimmed out over the course of half a second. Then it happened immediately after, getting even brighter the second time, and fading out even quicker. I changed direction and headed north for two or three miles, and I saw two cars pulled over together, and another car pulled over about half a mile away from the other two. I pulled over a half mile later, got out of my car and saw what appeared to be a shooting star, but it was closer than usual, with white and greenish colors. It was heading north as well, and was in my line of sight for a second before disappearing towards Wisconsin.