Multiple Lights - Gallatin Gateway, MT

Case: 72561-1481436900

Report Details:
    • Lat : 45.5915958
    • Long : -111.1977304
Actual Report as Filed by Witness:

Orbs buzzing, flash around over mountains

Just above the mountain range SSW of Gallatin Gateway, I noticed what appeared to be a spherical light moving from peak to peak very quickly in a very irregular flight pattern very resemblant to that of a housefly's. Object began to change colors and seemed to have 2 smaller versions of itself splitting off from and readjoining with the main one. This was done in seemingly random pattern. The 2 smaller ones began blinking at irregular, non repetitive intervals. The 3 of them seemed to fly away from me until they were almost inperceivable, then in a fraction of the time, reappearing close as before again, but in different position equal to about 5 moons diameters away. Then, one time it didn't reappear.