Orange Ball of Light - Victor, MT

Case: 72559-1483210800

Report Details:
    • Lat : 46.4165889
    • Long : -114.1501005
Observation Details:
Actual Report as Filed by Witness:

Come out of our home to run an errand approx 19:00 hrs looked in sky to south seen and orange colored orb high and a distance of I guess 10 miles also displayed a flash of green on one side. I thought it was an aircraft of some sort it looked to be hovering then slowly moved to the south I watched with my wife till it started to disapear that is when she noticed another to the east of use less than 3 miles I would guess it was orange in color almost a balloon shape moving in a southwestern direction and gaining altitude. We watched it turn more southward and watched it till it disapeared into the southern sky. Its speed was that of a slower jet propelled aircraft but there was no sound and the color was not of anything I have seen on an aircraft. It was a candle flame color.